Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holiday with Love

tasha ooo tasha...she`s the first yg rncang bnda2 nii...huhu..monday nye exam tp jumaat leh lg g holiday...haha...ish3...pe nk jd ngn kitowg nii...ermm...btw..its the best holiday in this begining of 2010 even da 3 bulan brlalu ann...hehe..friday nyte tu ktowg otw tepat kol 12 tgah mlm....igtkn nk twuss je...tp suddnly...eh2...kitorg nmpak mcd..rupenye abg qim leh lg sgah mcd..pastu sgah kepci lg...makan makan makan....n cont otw........
dlm kol 4 lbih kot kitorg dah SAMPAI!!!!!kt telok cmpedak tuu.....errmmm....hari stil awal..tp ade 2org tu ckp..nk tgu matahari terbit??(mak oi bape lme lg mau tgu..haha)tgok2 cik fafa kite brgayut hmpir 1jam lbih...(cik paiz x titoww k...)=pp n bagun,baring,lari2,makan....ari pun siang....(xperasan lak matahri tu trbit cmne...)hihii...
ttt toott tittt tooootttt tittt tooootttt.....kitorg jumpe cik paiz kite ni kt 1 tmpat..nga tido kt dlm kete time tu..bgun2 twus pndang blakang..mak oi!!!ade model tga posing!!!hahaha...cik fafa n cik paiz rupenyerr....ok2..lantak korg laa...(tawu korg tga rindu...)hehehe...cik tasha,abg qim n cik fariz kite syioookk tol tidoo....(aiyyookkk!!i dgr korg dengkur!!)opsss....Xp

Bile sume da wke up..cik paiz pun ajak kitorg mam kt 1 rstautnt ni...ermm...xselera la nk mam...lg2 roti tlor dia mmg xleh lwan rafi kitorg laa!!!haha...
makan makan makan.....kitorg rmai2 g mandi kt air terjun Berkelah...igt sng ke nk msuk ctu..kna jalan dlu da mcm jungle trekking...(mmg punnn...)tp bessshhh....n mne nye xsusah..ade org tu smpi brdukung2...hahaha..nxt time kna prepare 10psang kasut sblum msuk utan ehh...btw,..thanx soooo much fariri ye!!!even size brkali gnda ann tp thanx sbb sudi mngorbankn kaki tu demi kaki i ni...(sape suh pakai heels msuk utan kann...haha)tp time tu pun slipar da jahanam jgak...jalan jalan jalan...da sampai air terjun idamanku!!!waaahhh...besstt sgt airnyeee....sejukk...n siyez freshh kileewww....n mcm2 aksi i tgok..hehehe..shhhhhhhh=p

ptg tuuuu....kitorg g mam kt pntai Berserah..mcm2 la kitorg mam...smpi pnuh pwut nii...(siyez jelez tgok org tu mam abc..)haha...tp da pnuh sgt prut ni ooooo...pas mam tu g men2 tepi pntaii...cube mnolak cik fariz kite kdlm air tu tp xbrjaya...isshhhh....xpuas hati niii...huhu....
cik fafa kite lak cbuk blaja pgang cmera laki nyee...he3...tgu tgu tgu...
mne lak cik tasha nii...kitorg da bosan duk tpi pntai ni...nak balikkk!!!kaki kna gigit smutt!!atteetttt oooo...maklumlah mcm princess g pantai kn..hahaha...
thenn...mlm tu sibuk cari hotel.....n mcm2 bnda la happen...sbb kn xpuas hati gak ngn keadaan hotel yg ade tuu...kitorg buat kputusan tido jelaa kt tc...n mlm tu ujan lbat kileww xhenti2...SEJUUKKKKNYEERR...cik fariz da kejut spuluh kali xnk bgun k!!bgun2 je..dia trus g ajak mam...(haha...lapar ehh...cian diaa)..=p n dlm mase yg sme terdgar bunyi dngkuran sseorg...hehehehe....abg qim lak g study anatomy nyee..bgus2....

bsoknye cik paiz kite ni bwk g mam nasi ayam paling sedap kt kuantan katenyeerr...tp syggg...i x leh mam!!!pwut msuk anginn!!='( tp thnx la cik fariz ye sbb suapkn nasi ayam tu panas2...nsib bek xtrbakar mulut I ni..adoyaiii..hahaha...
kol 1 tu kitorg pun otw blik....d smping mlihat drama air mata cik fafa...hehe..cedeyhh22...waaaaaaaaa....!!!!!

n mostly sume xtvt yg kitorg wat xbrape drncang...tp siyez seronok sgt...holiday dgn org2 yg trsyg...i love u all damn muchh!!!nnt kiterr g holiday same2 lg keyyhhh!!!muaaaahhhhhxxxx!!

credit to:fariri,fafa,tasha,abg qim n faiz!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

i love it!!!

seasons in the sun=D

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We've known each other since we were nine or ten
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and ABC's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees

Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time

Goodbye Papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along

Goodbye papa it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I'll be there

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone

Goodbye Michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground

Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone

love muchh...its lying..

rarely to me to talk bout love..where is th love comes from??it absolutely rise from the bottom of my heart..thats rytee...for the person who i love..when i said that i love u that means i really do love u..but from the situation..sometimes i need to sacrifice my own feeling..but is it the person who said love me is really love me???why can`t hear my words until the end what i really want to said...yesss..i got it..peoples love me to hurt me,..u dont love me muchh..but its ok..once i love means i love forever..
since love came from heart.my heart full of love..love to allah,frends n family!!n i`ll never hate peoples bcoz allah always give us love n not a hard feeling n hateness..

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Haha..actually rase cm nk ttup mata tgok pic ni..bkn pe...tp tgok ktorg dlm pic ni mcm weird je..xp
act,.ni mmg fav pastime kitorg laa..SNAP PIC!!mcm2 gaya pelik..hee..
bile tgok pic ni..mcm2 tafsiran leh dbuat..
e.g: NINI----muka u sbijik cm witch yg dlm story snow white tuu..jahat btol dia!!bg poisoning apple..Rugi je..bg je la buah tempatan..murah ckit kot..haha
NANA---weird weird n weird...my face like demon!!haha
FAFA---smile.. sign to agree.. (muka nmpak suci)hee=pp



credit to e`a!!coz dia yg amek pic nii...sengetla e`a cyg...tp nvm.. check2 blik pic2 dlm phone tiba2 terjmpe pic ni..time tu tga trmenung kt umah sewa coz tga fkir nk mam ape??bile tgok pic kt dapur ni time tuu...i pun mula "berDREAMING"...kn best if ryte now ade kt umah..leh mkn ikut suka je...ni kat dapur rumah puncak TU...xde benda nk melahap!!=pp
EVEN every week blik bwk mknan tp ttp rase cm dapur kt puncak tu KOSONG..huu,,,
tp yg geramnye bila blik umah tu ade mcm2 bnda nk mkn tp bnda prutnya xreti nk lapar bila da duk sitting dpn laptop tu..maklumlah,umah puncak tu...PEHHH...line tenet pun problm!!='(
bila citer blik psal mknan,..aritu kt umah sewa puncak tibe rase nk mam
Pizza..tp..time tu nsib hari dah kol 11.30pm la cik kak oii!!...mne nk cari pizza kn..then,mlm tu xleh tido,.prut rase lapar tp selera ny cerewet plak mlm tu..so,..lelap2kn mata,..tiba2,..NYUM NYUM NYUM.. puas!!dpt gak i mam pizza..hawaiian supreme lg..2set!!haha(gila melntak..)tiba2 dgr bunyi hon...HELLO!!so noisy la uu...bru nk mnikmati....dehh..mimpi upenye...
tula pasal...gara2 mmilih sgt mknan.dah lpar tu mkn je la naknye kalau sedar diri tu kt umah sewa puncak sblah uitm tuu...ade jual mkanan kt depan punn...
kena kacau!!dgn mbsa la..huhu...
I LOVE UR GUAVA!!pakcik jambu!pakcik tu mmmggg jambu..hehehe


I love this both my girls..swift like mystery baby wif messy sexy style curly hair..(nk wat rmbut cmni la time raya nnt)haha...siyez suka sgt bile dgr lagu LOVE STORY ..suddenly feels like i falling down into that video clip world.,like prince n princess!!gila cute lg bila swift ni sanggul rmbut dia then wear that beautiful gown!!the white one..tp boy yg dlm video clip tu nmpk control tp xpelaa...cute gak...hehe..

Lg 1 suka la tgok mata dia...look diff coz sexy la mata dia..can make a boys melts like ice cream choclate + yam n bump their head into stage doorstep coz swift wat dunno je kt dorgg...heeee
TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE lyrics,..suka sgttt bila dgr lagu ni...yeahh,,that rytee!!!two is better than one but sometimes one is much more better than two..;p
another one of my fav chick!!SELENA GOMEZ my cute dear..tgok dia jdi witch dlm 'The wizard of beverly place' tu mmg rase cm nk cubit2 je dia..sweet like mashmallow!!hihii...
she`s with her shining black hair nmpk natural beauty..(rmbut itam mmg lg cntik!!)
Owhh,..baby...tell me..tell me..something i dont know..salah 1 lirik lagu dia tp plz bgtau dia ni da ade gf x..rase nk suh adik i je flirt dia ni..hepyy kileeww dpt adik ipar comel cm dia..hihii..xp
tp bila tgok selena gomez ni tiba2 tringat kt sorg frend ni..crazy fans btol!everything is selena!!huhuu...tp dia ni pun ntah kmane..lupe kt i btol!!cedeeyyy...sob3='(

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Boys like girls

this not a top singer group but top "nyah"..hehe..
once upon a night..haha..
dipendekkan crita la kan...mlm tu ingat juz nk lepak2 kt dataran je..
tp kaki ni almaklumlah dah terlebih gatal lak n kpala pun fkir nk merayau je..
jam da kol 1 lbih..msuk kete,.....brrooommmmm....
smpi di satu lorong ni,..dkat2 ngn pavi..tiba2 ade ONE GIRL ni lalu..
dlam ati...WOWW!!CUNNYEE!!!!(kalah aku 1000x)seksi gak...(zul suka laa)huuuu....
pastu lalu lgi sorg...
bile selidik2 balik,..tgok dgn teliti..hehhhh..CETAK ROMPAK RUPENYEE..
stakat pakai silicon rupenye..
tp siyes xleh blahh..nyah2 kt citu mmg top la..cun oooo...
so,.yg berangan nk tgok sexy chick..dialu2kan la..
tp...jgn tergoda dahlaa...igat2,1 kaum adam tu...hehe
most remember,..yg pakai mini dress colour merah tuu..muka
ala2 julia ziegler tuu..